
Objectives and Activities of Interdisciplinary Research Center of the International Black Sea University

The modern leading university of Europe and US are not only educational institution, but both are important research centers whose activities largely determines the progress of almost all fields of science: natural sciences, engineering, economic, humanitarian, social, etc. This in turn helps to improve the quality and efficiency of educational processes.

Based on the above activities of Interdisciplinary Research Center of the International Black Sea University pursues the following goals and objectives:

1.      supportandpromotion  of the development of new areas of research;

2.      promotion of the involvement of students of  all three levels of education in scientific activities of the University;

3.      provision of comprehensive assistance:

a.       for faculties’ members and students of all three levels of education in raising standards and improving the quality of research;

b.      in organizing of workshops for students and doctoral programs to improve the scientific level and the quality of dissertations;

c.       in organizing and conducting educational and scientific seminars as a general educational and special characters;

The main directions of scientific and interdisciplinary activities of the Research Center of the International Black Sea University are:

1.  the methods of general statistics;

2.  the methods of analysis of random processes and time series, and their applications to the problems of the theory of engineering systems;

3. method of simulation and mathematical modeling of complex systems;

4. methods of econometrics analysis of economic and financial processes and systems;

5.  the methods of psychometrics for the analysis of cognitive problems of learning processes;

6. Methods of the theory of tests and other methods of knowledgemetrics and their implementation to improve the quality of learning processes at the university.